Map "Cheese Factory"

Cheese Factory
Single Player
Sir Seizhak |
Caleb is a cheese gourmet - everyone knows this fact -. He saw an advertisement from 'Y una leche' Cheese Factory so he decided to buy one of their cheeses.

When he arrived home he tried the cheese. He was disappointed because the advertisement was a lie: "Y una leche cheese. Soft as butter, tender as a baby".

Caleb was totally disagree with the company so he decide to go to the factory and make a claim.

Note: I recorded a video from this map. Check it out on YouTube.
3.8 (4 ratings)
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Eye del Cul on 2014-01-20 comment
I like it, very fun. The cheese vats puzzle is a good touch. I found the lighting in some areas a bit plain, though.

Sir Seizhak on 2013-06-04 comment
Thanks for your comments

BME on 2013-05-29 comment
Not bad at all and nice idea as well. Although I got stuck for a moment in the cheese vat with the key; I could jump out because it seemed too high but luckily a zombie came to the rescue and I could use hum as a platform. I liked the secret access to the apartment building, I saw you boarded up the windows now

BME on 2013-05-29
*could NOT jump out

Tekedon on 2013-05-29 comment
Good map idea, and funny story Good architecture shading in most places. Had a bit of problems figuring out what to do at the end. Had to check map in mapedit to find where a trigger (hidden button) was. But overall very good job.

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