Map "Plateau of Decay"

Plateau of Decay
Single Player
(map requires Plasma Pack)
Dwayne Anderson |
The second map I am releasing in the LOI2 remake "Unfinished Business". Set in a desert outside a cave. Includes several new sounds which will be uploaded when you start the game and your sounds backup file will be restored when you exit.
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Unknown on 2012-11-07 comment
First map of first loi... from shadow warrior twin dragon addon: h ttp://w

Unknown on 2012-11-07 comment
You like stealing shadow warrior maps don't you? And not to mention redneck rampage maps. And then you re texture and do some small redesigns and then call them your own.. what's the point... Some of the maps I can't find any source to.. so you are more than capable of creating your own stuff.. why destroy your reputation by stealing maps? To save time?
Known on 2012-11-08
Restyling maps from other build game is one of his trademarks. Applying all the right textures is still a lot of work though.
I also rather see some maps from scratch but I must say most restyled ones are not done that bad.
Unknown on 2012-11-10
Didn't know that... but I still think he should make his own maps.
Why would I wan't to replay maps from other games. The sewer level in the new LOI was a drag.. hated that level in RR.
BME on 2012-11-11
True, I also didn't like that one.

Tekedon on 2012-11-07 comment
Pretty good, but I kept getting an actor.src error and got thrown out of the game each time.

BME on 2012-11-07 comment
looks great, but again; I could run right through it without much fighting.

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