Map "Mystery House"

Mystery House
Single Player
Caleb will have to stay at night at mystery house.He will phave to pass through 7 rooms with many puzzles and tricks.Use the detonaters wisely and each item could be useful.This map will really test your brain.Enjoy
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thenight on 2012-12-07 comment
Nice puzzle map although the theme is a bit wild. [2]

samibutt on 2012-10-26 comment
okay .

samibutt on 2012-10-26 comment
yes i think you are right.i am good at sector effects but my weakness is shading and architecture.i should concentrate on shading and architecture and one more thing why do you like the second last room i thought you will like the last room?
BME on 2012-10-26
Yes, the last room is what I meant, I should've said "the room before the end"
BME on 2012-10-26
Check out other maps and their texture usage and shading levels.
Best way to shade a room is to give the north and south wall more shade than the east and west one, a shade of 16 should already be sufficient.

BME on 2012-10-26 comment
Nice puzzle map although the theme is a bit wild.
I found the room before last the most interesting.

Here are some things that weren't right:
- Some wall sprites are blocked = player ducking under it.
- A path sprite is higher than other 3 = floor piece coming up.
- There's no key indication near doors.
- Texture alignment of doors = not good, use [O], [.] and [shift+numkeys]

You seem to master all sorts of sector effects and techniques but architecture and shading of walls etc is still very poor.

BME on 2012-10-26
You don't have to include the .BAK file, but it's good to include a BAT and INI file next time.

samibutt on 2012-10-26 comment
and please tell me which room you loved the best?

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