Map "Phantom Wood"

Phantom Wood
Single Player
(map requires Plasma Pack)
Dwayne Anderson |
Another brand new level exclusive to the LOI remake. Probably the most spine chilling level I've ever made. A dark forest at night with eerie winds, howling wolves, phantasms that spawn out of nowhere, green pods, and a battle with the mother spider. Play in the dark if you dare! Requires the Plasma Pak installed.

Comes with new sounds. They'll be loaded into the sounds.rff file when you run phantomw.bat

The original sounds.rff will be restored when you exit the program.
3.3 (4 ratings)
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weperlol on 2012-11-30 comment
Its really good map but easy to finish i finished it like 8 minutes
smilie wink engel tongue grins verwirrt shocked cool frown dizzy angry1 angry2 alien love

BME on 2011-06-22 comment
The map is actually quite easy to complete (once you know where to go that is), I played on well done and got to the end without a scratch, I could easily avoid all enemies.

Dwayne Anderson on 2011-06-21 comment
For those who are stuck at the gate, you can climb those vines on the wall to the left. Use your space bar or whatever key you use to open doors.

Jerry on 2011-06-20 comment
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the delirium shrooms. Blessed is thou who can avoid them.

Dwayne Anderson on 2011-06-19 comment
I did make the batch file so that when you exit the program, your original sounds.rff file is restored, so no need to make a backup!
BME on 2011-06-20
Well, in the .BAT there's no indication of backing up the original SOUNDS.RFF file. In other words; no SOUNDS.BAK file is made in the first place.

So in order to make it work correctly, your batch script should start with:


(backuping takes some time though; approx. 15 sec)
Dwayne Anderson on 2011-06-20
when the new sounds are loaded, a backup file called sounds.bak is created. After you exit the program, the sounds.rff file is deleted and sounds.bak is renamed sounds.rff to restore the original file.
BME on 2011-06-20
Well, your batch script looks like this:

barf sounds.rff *.raw
blood -ini phantomw.ini
@echo off
del sounds.rff
rename sounds.bak sounds.rff

Am I or is the batch file missing something here?
Dwayne Anderson on 2011-06-20
in the dos prompt, try typing barf sounds.rff *.raw

then afterwards, look for a file named sounds.bak which was created when you loaded the new sounds in. That's the backup copy.
BME on 2011-06-20
I installed a fresh copy of Blood and indeed there is a SOUND.BAK now, I didn't know that and didn't also could find the backup before. Case closed

BME on 2011-06-19 comment
Very nice, definitely one of the best forest maps I have ever seen!
The shrooms make it more difficult to navigate through the woods.
Architecture is very good and so is the lighting! And cool new sounds although it's too bad it will destroy existing sounds once installed.


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smilie wink engel tongue grins verwirrt shocked cool frown dizzy angry1 angry2 alien love